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Lettuce Coles and Greens
Group | SubCrop | Variety | Cat | Description | Avail In | DTM |
Celery | Tango | A | Greatly improved variety that is early and easy to grow. Plants are vigorous with good flavor; excellent for shorter seasons and home gardens. Smooth, non-stringy stalks with a big celery crunch and beautiful, apple-green tops. Self-blanching; 18-20" tall. | 4 inch pot | 85 Days | |
Lettuce | Batavian | Mixed Green and Red | A | Alluring wine-red European batavian is a classic both for baby leaf and full head production. Looks a little like a butterhead-romaine cross, as the open rosettes fold together like a romaine in the center at full maturity. Shiny red leaves on the outside, green in the center, crisp and juicy with some heft. | 606s | 48 Days |
Lettuce | Butterhead | Green and Red Mixed | A | Mix of red Cardinale and Carmona with green Nancy butterhead lettuces. | 606s | 50 Days |
Lettuce | Leaf | Green and Red Mixed | A | A delightful mix of red (New Red Fire), and yellow-green (Australian Yellow) leaf lettuces. | 606s | 50 Days |
Lettuce | Romaine | Jadeite (Mini) | A | True to name, mini-romaine Jadeites matte apple-green rounded leaf and graceful small vase form looks carved. It practically glowed from within with pristine health through our hot and humid 2018 lettuce trial. With a delicate crunch, a dash of juicy sweetness, and touch of buttery texture to the blanched yellow hearts, Jadeites small stature yields artisan-quality flavor. While not as furnace-proof as full-sized romaines, Jadeite has good heat tolerance and very good cold hardiness, allowing closely spaced successions through many seasons. | 606s | 50 Days |
Lettuce | Romaine | Jericho | Bright green leaves, unique silky texture and sweet flavor even in the heat of summer. Good selection for indoor or outdoor cultivation, with some tolerance to powdery mildew and downy mildew as well as excellent resistance to heat stress and tip burn. | 606s | 57 Days | |
Lettuce | Romaine | Marshall | A | As Merlot is to looseleafs so Marshall is to romaines, the standard for color intensity. Deep dark red leaves with contrasting pink veins, and a smidgen of light green in the center. Tall upright 8" heads. Leaves smooth and succulent, crisp and chewy, lacking the bitterness usually associated with such coloration. Ornamental and delectable | 606s | 67 Days |
Lettuce | Romaine | Mixed Romaine | A | Mix of mini and full size romaines. Enjoy the mini romaine while waiting for the full size to mature. | 606s | 60 Days |
Broccoli | Belstar | A | Heat tolerant broccoli for spring, summer and fall crops. Compact plants have round domes, small to medium beads and short stems with a thick main stalk. Domes span 6-8" at maturity and average 1.5 lbs. Ideal for short-stemmed crown cuts or florets. 10-14 day harvest window. | 804s | 65 Days | |
Broccoli | Covina F1 | A | Stressful field conditions don't bother this workhorse broccoli - upright, large-framed plants produce big, tightly beaded heads for reliable harvests. Good for both spring and fall production. 6-8" heads. | 804s | 75 Days | |
Broccoli | DeCicco | A | Italian variety known for tender stalks and mild flavor. Reliable multi-cut variety that produces a compact, 3-4" bluish-green central head followed by a prolific set of side shoots. Variable maturity results in a long harvest period for both central heads and side shoots. Excellent home garden variety. | 804s | 48 Days | |
Brussels Sprouts | Nautic F1 | A | Disease resistant variety for a reliable crop of tightly wrapped sprouts. Nautic's sprouts are spaced further apart, allowing plants to dry out quickly to avoid spread of disease and making it easier to harvest individual sprouts. Vigorous and sturdy plants with 1" sprouts. | 804s | 120 Days | |
Cabbage | Green | Golden Acre | A | Super early, adorable green 3-4 lb heads on compact plants; perfect for smaller households! Round and solid, with delicate but crunchy texture and sweet, spicy flavor with buttery undertones when cooked. Few outer wrapper leaves; short harvest window. Habit suitable for dense plantings. | 804s | 62 Days |
Cabbage | Napa | Bilko Napa | A | Disease resistant, dense heads with crispy, tender texture. Broad white midribs and pale green outer leaves with a creamy yellow interior. 12" barrel shape heads. Stores into late fall. | 804s | 63 Days |
Cabbage | Red | Primero F1 | A | Early producing, compact, dark red heads ideal for, succession plantings. Texture is tender and very sweet with a manageable 2-3 lb head size that is perfect for a single meal. Plants are uniform and highly productive. Plants head up quickly which makes them perfect for succession growing. Interior leaves are plentiful, protected by nice wrapper leaves. | 804s | 62 Days |
Cauliflower | Adona F1 | A | Strong, vigorous plants with beautiful, high quality heads. Well-domed compact heads with dense flavorful white curds that resist becoming fuzzy or ricey. Heads are well-protected; wrapper leaves are well suited to tying or the "break, fold and cover" method of blanching. Tolerant of bacterial soft rot and downy mildew. 5" heads | 804s | 63 Days | |
Cauliflower | Bermeo F1 | A | Hardy leaves surround a reliable firm, round, domed head. Excellent variety for summer production due to exceptional heat tolerance. Heads are uniform and dense, making it a great choice. Plants hold well in the garden. 6-7" heads. | 804s | 68 Days | |
Greens | Mixed Arugulas | A | Mix of: Astro (mildly spicy), Esmee (more nutty), Rocket (robust peppery) and Ice-bred (complex full flavors). Mix of strap and cut leaf shapes as young plants. Good as a cut and come again crop. Cook mature leaves with other greens. Protect from heat with shade cloth to retard bolting. | 804s | 40 Days | |
Greens | Curly | Dwarf Green | A | A frost tolerant variety from northern Germany that can be harvested long into winter. Similar to Ripbor with a slightly smaller frame and attractive, tender medium green leaves. | 606s | 60 Days |
Greens | Lacinato | Dazzling Blue (Lacinato) | A | Dazzling indeed, this Lacinato-type delights with unique coloring and rich flavor. Vigorous plants produce leaves with purple midribs and a range of colors that intensify in cool temperatures.Hardier than the traditional Lacinato. Ideal for raw kale salads. Colored Lacinato-type · 24-30 tall. | 606s | 60 Days |
Greens | Siberian | White Russian | A | Sweet, tender leaves with excellent frost tolerance. with blue green leaves and white ribs that get sweeter in cold weather. Tolerates wet soils and just as hardy as the toughest Russian. | 606s | 55 Days |
Greens | Green | Fordhook | A | Fordhook Giant' is an old favorite with its broad, strong stems and large leaves packed with vitamins and minerals. A vigorous grower with a long growing season, it will provide fresh greens from early summer into fall, and year-round in mild climates. White stem varieties are generally more bolt and cold tolerant and more productive than colored stem varieties. Young leaves are great for salads. Glows in containers as an ornamental. | 606s | 55 Days |
Greens | Multi Color | Rainbow | A | Striking blend of red, pink, white, yellow and gold stems. Upright habit makes for clean production and easy harvesting. Color intensity is not as well defined early on; mostly pink, red and white at baby stage. Grow to full size for a dazzling display. | 606s | 60 Days |